The policy sets up theguidelines for facilitating employees and the organization to know about theleaves, its procedure, how the leaves should be availed and encashment of leaves.Based on the need / reason and length of leave, the following categories ofleave can be availed:
E. Special Occasion Off.
F. Leave Without Pay.
G. Casual leave for consultants /Trainees.
Applicability guidelines are given under each head.
a) Theemployee is entitled for Six (6) leaves in a year.
b) Maximum number of consecutive days for which CLcan be availed at a time is 2.
c) CL cannot be accumulated and be availed of withprior sanction (to the extent possible.
d) Casual leave will not be allowed to be combinedwith Sick Leave, Earned leave or Maternity Leave.
e) Unutilized casual leaves shall not be encashedor carried forward to the next year.
To provide leave to attend tosickness & medical ailments.
Thispolicy is applicable to all employees from the date of their joining except consultantsand trainees.
a) The employee is entitled for six (6) medicalleaves in a year.
b) The sick leaves will be credited to theemployees account at the beginning of the year but can be availed on pro-ratabasis.
c) For availing sick leaves of three days or morethe employee shall have to produce certificate from Registered MedicalPractitioner, Nursing Home or Hospital or Doctor Prescription.
d) Sick leave cannot normally be combined withcasual leave but can be suffixed to earned leave and would require approval ofthe appropriate verifying officer.
e) Utilized sick leaves shall be carried forwardand can be accumulated up to 25 days, beyond twenty-five it will lapse.
f) The sick leave shall not be encashed.
Toprovide for long duration planned leave.
Thispolicy is applicable to all employees from the date of their joining exceptconsultants and trainees.
a) The employee is entitled for eighteen (18)leaves in a year after completion of one year.
b) Minimum number of consecutive days for which ELcan be availed at a time is 3. It can be availed only on 4 occasions in a year
c) At least 7 days of advance notice is required toavail EL.
d) Intervening Sundays and holidays will not becounted as part of leave.
e) A minimum of 3 days privilege leave has to beavailed in order to avail LTA benefits.
f) Half day earned leave is not allowed.
Earnedleaves may be accumulated up to 36 days.
a) Earned leaves balance over and above 36 dayswill be encashed on 15th January and 15th July to theemployee, based on last drawn salary as applicable less PF. (For the encashmentthe basic salary of the last month shall be considered)
b) EL Encashment amount is taxable. Encashment atthe time of retirement will be dealt according to the tax laws as applicable atthat point of time.
a) To provide for Leave to female employees duringthe final stages of pregnancy, at time of delivery and convalescence.
b) To provide for Leave to female employees at thetime of adoption of a child.
c) To provide for Leave to female employees in caseof miscarriage.
Allfemale employees who have put in 80 days of service in the twelve monthsimmediately preceding the date of expected delivery / adoption of child.
a) A female employee, who has worked for a period of notless than 80 days in the twelve months preceding the delivery date, is entitledto maternity leave.
b)On joining duties, she must submit a medical certificate confirming herpregnancy.
Asper the Maternity Act, leave of a total of 12 weeks, inclusive of delivery datecan be availed by the lady employee.
Leavefor 6 weeks in case of miscarriage, following the date of miscarriage.
c) Leave for a maximum period of one month incase of illness caused out of premature delivery, pregnancy and miscarriage inaddition to the aforesaid maternity leave benefit.
d) All intervening holidays will be counted forthe purpose of maternity leave.
e) Maternity leave is restricted to two livingchildren only.Application for maternity leave must be at least 30 days inadvance of the start of leave.
For rejoiningafter Maternity leave, the lady employee must submit a fitness certificate. Incase of miscarriage, the employee must send information along with the MedicalCertificate as soon as is possible.
Theemployee may claim this facility for a maximum of two instances in one's careerin netCustomer and only once in any financial year.
MaternityLeaves would not be treated as break-of-service and all benefits due in thenormal course would be payable.
Maternityleaves cannot be accumulated or encashed.
Advanceinformation to be provided at least two months in advance before the proposeddate, for proceeding on leave and in case of adoption of a child at least 15days in advance.
Onresuming duty after the ML, the employee must bring with her a fitnesscertificate and submit it to HR through the concerned manager.
Leaves exceeding entitlement/ without approval would be treated as leave without pay.
Toprovide for facilities to Employees at times of Special Occasions. NetCustomerwants the employee to share these special moments with his / her family.
This policy is applicableto all employees from the date of their joining.
a) Leave on self’sBirthdays
b) Leave on spouse’sBirthday
c) Leave on WeddingAnniversary
d) Leave on Child’sbirthday
a) Self and SpouseBirthday: An Employee on the day of his / her Birthday and his/ her spouse’s Birthday would be eligible for ahalf day’s leave. This leave can be availed only on the day of the Employees /Spouse’s Birthday and not on any other day. The date of birth shall be as perthe records maintained in the HR.
b) WeddingAnniversary: An Employee on day of his / her Wedding Anniversary would beeligible for a half day’s leave. This leave can be availed only on the day ofthe Employees Wedding Anniversary and not on any other day.
c) Children’sBirthday: An Employee on the day of his / her children’s Birthday would beeligible for a half day’s leave. This leave can be availed only on the day ofthe Employees Children’s Birthday and not on any other day. The date of birthshall be as per the records maintained in the HR.
d) A total of 1½ daysleave is available for the above four. At his / her will the employee can avail3 half days leave on any of the four occasions.
e) This off can betaken only if the anniversary/ birthday falls on a working day. Under no circumstances a compensatory off will begiven in lieu of this day.
Advance information is to be provided atleast a week in advance to the immediate superior.
To provide for authorizedabsence of employees when Employees have no leave to their credit.
All Employees who arecurrently on the rolls of the company.
a) Advance information tobe provided at least a day in advance.
b) Should be resorted toas a last resort after adjustment of all accrued leave.
c) In such cases allpayments including, LTA, performance bonus and other benefits would standprorated for payment during that year.
Not Applicable
To provide leave toattend to personal exigencies.
This policy is applicableonly to the consultants and trainees and not to the regular employees of thecompany.
a) Total number of CasualLeaves available in a year is 12 days.
b) The leaves would becredited on completion of every month.
c) Minimum half workingday at a time can be availed.
d) If leave exceedsaccumulated balance, then leave in excess of accumulation would be consideredleave without pay.
e) To be limited totwo instances in a month.
Operative Guidelines
Leave applications to besubmitted at least 24 hours in advance and approval obtained except in unforeseenemergencies.
Encashment / Accumulation
Not Applicable
Management has the right to review, modify and rescind this policy at anygiven point of time.