1. 1 Thefirst electronic worksheet was known as –
a. VisiCalc
b. MicrosoftExcel
c. Lotus1-2-3
d. None
2. 2Statusbar shows different types of keys-
a. NumLock Key
b. CapsLock Key
c. ScrollLock Key
d. All
3. 3 InExcel the intersection of a row & column is called
a. Square
b. Cell
c. Cubicle
d. Worksheet
4. 4 Anythingthat is typed in a worksheet appears
a. In both the active cell and the formula bar
b. Inthe active cell only
c. Inthe formula bar first & when you press enter key into the active cell
d. Noneof the above
5. 5 Aworksheet can be opened by clicking on the
a. StartButton
b. OpenButton
c. Both(a) & (b)
d. None
6. 6Whenyou press the mouse pointer on any of the button and do not click in a moment,you will see that excel displays the name of the button, This helpful featuresis known as-
a. ToolTips
b. MicroTips
c. HelpTips
d. ClickTips
7. 7 Theformatting toolbar
a. Isplaced just below the standard toolbar
b. Isused to apply common formats to the worksheet text selection, Liking making itbold, italics, underline or changing the font style & size.
c. Both(a)(b) above
d. None
8. 8 Theedit menu has an option clear in it, Its submenu has the following option:-
a. AllFormats, Contents and Notes
b. AllFormats and contents
c. OnlyAll & Formats
d. Itis without a sub menu
9. 9 Thecombination of the column letter and row number for a cell in an excel worksheetis called as
a. Cellcross
b. Cellidentification number
c. Cellreference
d. Cellidentify
10. 10 The entire worksheet in excel can beselected by
a. Ctrl+ Spacebar
b. Ctrl+ Shift + Spacebar
c. Shift+ Spacebar
d. All
11. 11 In an excel worksheet, on making acell active
a. Youcan type new data into it or edit the data it contains
b. Theactive cell has a dark border around it
c. Youcan always determine the reference for the active cell by looking in the NameBox on the Formula Bar
d. Allof the above
12. 12 In excel each sheet in a workbook isdisplayed as
a. Floatingpoint arrow
b. Downpointing arrow
c. Marker
d. Tab
13. 13 A range of a worksheet is referred by
a. Listingthe cell reference in the range, followed by a colon and then the last cellreference in a range as in B3:E11
b. Listingthe last cell reference in the range followed by a colon and then the firstcell reference in a range as in E11:B3
c. Onlythe starting cell number such as B3
d. Allthe of above
14. 14 The purpose of Auto Sum is to
a. Locateand total the rows or column in a range nearest to the current cell
b. Total any range that you select
c. Addgrand totals to a range containing other totals
d. Allof the above
15. 15 To enter the current date press
a. Ctrl+ ;
b. Ctrl+ :
c. Shift+ ;
d. Shift+ :
16. 16 Paste special dialog box contains______ option for characteristics
a. Formats
b. Values
c. Formula
d. All
17. 17 To displays format cell dialog box youhave to press
a. Ctrl+ 1
b. Ctrl+ 2
c. Ctrl+ K
d. Ctrl+ D
18. 18 To make the cell active, press
a. F1
b. F2
c. F3
d. All
19. 19 To adjust the column widthautomatically, which out of the following options you want to use
a. Currentstyle
b. Commastyle
c. Percentstyle
d. None of the above
20. 20 To return the selected cells to thedefault font style and size, select _______ check box from the font propertysheet.
a. Reset
b. Normal
c. None
d. Back
21. 21 In order to change the font and itssize, you will
a. Doit via the font and size option boxes available on the toolbar
b. Beable to perform both the activities via the font option box only
c. Beable to perform both activities via the font size option only.
d. Noneof the above
22. 22 Using borders you
a. Canadd lines above , below or to either side of a cell
b. Canadd a single line or multiple lines, align in side of a cell or around it
c. Both(a) and (b)
d. None of the above
23. 23 The find and replace dialog box allowsyou to replace occurrences of text
a. Oneby one
b. Replaceall
c. Both(a) and (B)
d. None
24. 24 Most of the appropriate statement
a. Now() can be used to display the current time
b. Now() can be used to display the current date
c. Now() can be used to display the current date as well as time in the same cell.
d. Noneof the above
25. 25 Memory is divided into
a. Twoparts
b. Threeparts
c. Nodivision
d. None
State whether the followingstatement is ‘True’or ‘False’.
1. Dateand time is not numeric data in Excel.
2. Usingthe undo command you can undo multiple action
3. Usingredo command you can redo multiple actions.
4. Thedelete and clear commands perform the same functions.
5. Shift+ F5 is used to display find dialog box.
6. Exceldoes not insert multiple rows in its sheet.
7. Clearingcells is different from cutting or copying eateries.
8. Ainits default setting Excel align text to the left and align numerical values tothe right. You cannot alter this default alignment.
9. Youcan add a new sheet to the workbook by using worksheet command on the insertmenu. The new worksheet is inserted in front of the current sheet.
10. Default number of decimal point can bechanged with the increase Decimal and decrease Decimal buttons.
11. Width of multiple columns can beadjusted simultan eously .
12. Format painter button is used to copythe formatting of a cell.
13. Date and time is stored as number inExcel.
14. Excel print grid lines by default.
15. Shift tab are not displayed when thesheet is split.
16. Multiple none adjacent range can beselected in excel
17. You can not move the active cellwithin a selected range
18. Excel is used only as a worksheet and offers no graphics, database and wordprocessing feature.
19. Standard width of column is 18.43
20. To create a new worksheet, selectworksheet from the file menu.
21. Processing F9 key is a shortcut fordeleting selected rows.
22. Move command and copy command aresimilar command.
23. Text wrap and word wrap are differentfeatures.
24. Ram is a read / write memory.
25. Extension of excel is . xls.
1 | a | 11 | d | 21 | a | 6 | f | 16 | T |
2 | d | 12 | d | 22 | c | 7 | T | 17 | F |
3 | b | 13 | a | 23 | c | 8 | F | 18 | F |
4 | a | 14 | d | 24 | c | 9 | T | 19 | F |
5 | b | 15 | a | 25 | c | 10 | T | 20 | T |
6 | a | 16 | d | 1 | F | 11 | T | 21 | F |
7 | c | 17 | a | 2 | T | 12 | T | 22 | F |
8 | b | 18 | b | 3 | F | 13 | T | 23 | T |
9 | c | 19 | d | 4 | F | 14 | F | 24 | T |
10 | d | 20 | b | 5 | T | 15 | F | 25 | T |