1 In which menu Spelling command appears
(A)Tools (B)Windows (C)Edit (D)Noneof the above
2 A right clickon the Windows desktop itself will _____.
(A)open the Display Properties dialog box
(B)show a context-sensitive menu
(C)open the Control Panel
(D)minimize all open applications
3 "Whennumbers are typed inside a cell, the default alignment is:"
(A)Left-aligned (B)Center-aligned (C)Right-aligned (D)Justified
4 Cell addressA$4 in a formula means it is a
(A)relative cell reference
(B)absolute cell reference
(C)mixed cell reference
(D)All of the above
5 When youcreate a chart on a separate sheet in the same workbook it is called a
(A)chart sheet (B)embeddedchart (C)view sheet (D)view chart
6 Page breakcommand of Excel on the Insert menu will result in insertion of page break
(A)above the selected row
(B)below the selected row
(C)middle of the selected row
(D)None of the above
7 To print aspecific area in Excel
(A)set print area from File menu
(B)set print area from Page Setup dialog box
(C)both a and b above
(D)None of the above
8 Pressing _____is a quick way to cycle between open program windows. (A)Alt+Tab (B)Ctrl+Tab (C)Shift+Tab (D)Shift+Alt
9 TheAutoContent Wizard creates _____.
(A)a new blank presentation with an attractive backgroundand fonts
(B)a new presentation with sample slides with suggestionsfor what information should be included
(C)a new look for an existing presentation
(D)a new template for future use
10 "InPowerPoint, slide sorter command is found under which menu?"
(A)File (B)Tools (C)View (D)Edit
11 The primarygoal for your slide design should be _____.
(A)to attract the eyes of your audience
(B)to coordinate with your company logo and color scheme
(C)to make the information easy to read
(D)to make the slides interesting and even exciting
12 "InExcel, shortcut fill menu contain"
(A)Fill weekdays (B)Fillseries (C) (a) and (b) (D)None of these
13 Alignmentbuttons are available on the _____ toolbar.
(A)Status bar (B)Formatting toolbar (C)Standardtoolbar (D)None of these
14 Paste Specialdialog box of Excel contains _____ options for (A)characteristics (B)Formats Formulas (C)Values (D)All of the above
15 "Actionsbuttons can be inserted in the slide, by Action Button command of"
(A)View menu (B)Insertmenu (C)Slide show menu (D)None of the above
16 "If youimport data and want to update the slide when the original data changes, youmust _____."
(A)embed the data
(B)link the data
(C)Insert the data as an object
(D)break the link
17 Following is a type of PowerPoint Slide Show option
(A)Presented by the speaker
(B)Browsed by an individual
(C)Browsed at a kiosk
(D)All of the above
18 The firstnetwork that planted the seeds of Internet was:
(A)ARPANET (B)NSFnet (C)Vnet (D)Inet
19 "For asmall Web site, one needs to buy space from the"
(A)Network administrator (B)Telephone exchange (C)ISP (D)Noneof the above
20 The firstgraphical browser for the WWW was named:
(A)Netscape (B)Veronica (C)Mosaic (D)Lynx
21 The Internetuses
(A)Circuit switching
(B)Packet switching
(C)Hybrid switching
(D)None of the above
22 GIGO standsfor _____.
(A)"Garbage Input, Garbage Output"
(B)"Gigabytes in, Gigabytes out"
(C)"Garbage In, Garbage Out"
(D)None of the above
23 "When acomputer prints a report, this output is called_____."
(A)hard copy (B)soft copy (C)COM (D)None of the above
24 CPU reads the information from secondary memory
(B)"First, information is transferred to main memoryand from there, the CPU reads"
(C)Through registers
(D)None of these
25 Which of thefollowing in not an option of edit menu in PowerPoint? (A)Cut (B)Delete slide (C)Copy (D)Pagesetup
26 You can createa template in Word
(A)based on an existing document
(B)based on an existing template
(C)from scratch
(D)All the above
27 A Laserprinter uses
(A)Raster scan
(B)Camera lens
(C)Heat sensitive paper
(D)None of these
28 Tape storageis primarily used for _____.
(B)installing new programs
(C)rarely used software
(D)None of the above
29 GUI is used asan interface between
(A)hardware and software
(B)man and machine
(C)software and user
(D)None of the above
30 A Wordprocessor is:
(A)"A program which processes the word, e.g. givingfrequency of words, sorting of wordsetc"
(B)"A program which provides the facility forcreating, viewing editing andmanipulating text before printing"
(C)CPU of microcomputer
(D)None of these
31 E-mail is
(A)Mail concerning electronics devices
(B)"Transaction of letters, messages and memos overa communications network"
(C)Transaction of messages within a computer
(D)None of these
32 UsingMicrosoft Word’s Find and Replace feature you can
(A)replace both text and formatting
(B)replace text of a document only
(C)replace formatting only
(D)replace document’s name with a new name
33 "When youactivate the Spelling and Grammar checker,"
(A)it displays the misspelled words in a dialog box.
(B)it highlights the misspelled words in the document.
(C)it allows you to either correct the misspelledword manually.
(D)All of the above
34 You willprobably use Borders in Word where
(A)you wish to add emphasis to particular paragraphs
(B)you wish to draw lines above and below or to left andright of paragraphsyou (C)wish to surroundthe paragraphs with different styles ofboxes
(D)All of the above
35 In Word Dropcaps applied to
(A)Characters (B)Sentences (C)Words (D)Noneof the above
36 What is theterm used for the word processing programs that show you directly on the PCscreen the appearance of your final document as you might expect when thedocument is printed on the paper.
(A)Search & Replace(B) Pagination (C)Soft Copy (D)WYSIWYG
37 Using Bordersin Excel you
(A)"can add lines above, below or to either side of acell"
(B)"can add a single line or multiple lines, alongone side of a cell or around it"
(C)both a and b above are correct
(D)None of the above
38 A Word filecan be save as a Web page which is a document that consist of one or more parts
(A)that can be read by a Web browser such as the Internet Explore
(B)saved in HTML format
(C)which helps distribute information over the Internet
(D)All of the above
39 The length ofa file’s name under Win95/98/XP _____.
(A)is limited to 11 characters
(B)is limited to 255 characters
(C)is not limited in length
(D)can contain only one space
40 "After atable has been created, which of the following operations cannot beperformed?"
(A)Insert rows in a table
(B)Delete and insert columns
(C)Split the table into two tables
(D)None of the above
41 The Magnifierbutton is available on the
(A)Print Preview toolbar
(B)Standard toolbar
(C)Formatting toolbar
(D)None of the above
42 "In theprint dialog box of Word, you can select"
(A)All page in a range (B)Oddpages (C)Even pages (D)Any of the above
43 "In Word,print preview command is found under which menu?"
(A)File (B)Tools (C)View (D)Edit
44 You can useother existing data sources with your master documents (A)provided "the data source contains some fieldnames, which may or may not be (B)in themaster document" the data sourcecontains the same field names (C)found in the master document the datasource contains different field (D)names than those in the master document None of the above
45 Status barshows different types of keys:
(A)Num lock key (B)Scrolllock key (C)Caps lock key (D) All of these
46 "In itsdefault setting, a workbook is made up of sheets and the number can be extendedto:"
(A)"3,255" (B)"3,225" (C)Limited by available memory (D)"16,225"
47 "InExcel, once a range has been named, you can go to a range"
(A)by selecting ranges using the name box
(B)by selecting ranges using the [F5] key
(C)both a and b
(D)None of the above
48 The purpose ofAutoSum in Excel is to
(A)locate and total the rows or columns in a rangenearest to the current cell (B)total anyrange that you select
(C)add grand totals to a range containing other totals
(D)All of the above
49 Which one ofthe following can be entered as a number in a cell? (A)"1,300.00" (B)(5000.00) (C)1.1e+2 (D)All of the above
50 A page breakis used to do what?
(A)Create a new page at the insertion point
(B)Create a new page at the bottom of the document
(C)Create a new page that cannot be deleted
(D)Create a blank page at the top of the document
51 Animationeffects appears in the Standard toolbar.
(A)True (B)False
52 Hybridcomputer is a mixture of both digital and analog computers. (A)True (B)False
53 "When youcreate a formula that contains a function, the Insert Function dialog box helpsyou enter worksheet functions."
(A)True (B)False
54 You canenlarge the sheet upto 500% while printing.
(A)True (B)False
55 "Toinsert a header or footer in a worksheet, select Header and Footer option inthe File menu."
(A)True (B)False
56 You can searchfor a file in Windows even if you know only part of the file name
(A)True (B)False
57 "When youhide a slide it remains in your file, even though it is hidden when you run thepresentation."
(A)True (B) False
58 TheAutoContent Wizard creates the structure and contents based on the choices youmake.
(A)True (B)False
59 "If yourtext exceeds the size of the placeholder, Microsoft PowerPoint reduces the fontsize and line spacing incrementally as you type, to make the text fit."
(A)True (B)False
60 Change casecommand is used to change the capitalization of a sentence. (A)True (B)False
61 You can printslides for overhead projector transparencies
(A)True (B)False
62 Unitprice is avalid name for a cell or range.
(A)True (B)False
63 You cannotchange the position of the slide images on the Handout Master. (A) True (B)False
64 "To haveMicrosoft Excel always use a specific currency symbol, change the currencysymbol selected in Regional Settings in Control Panel before you startExcel."
(A)True (B)False
65 "When youturn on background printing, you can continue working in PowerPoint while youprint."
(A)True (B)False
66 E-mailaddresses are case-sensitive.
(A)True (B)False
67 A set of rulesis known as protocol.
(A)True (B)False
68 ISP is acompany that provides an Internet connection
(A)True (B)False
69 Hypertextenables you to read and navigate text and visual information in a nonlinear waybase on what you want to know next
(A)True (B)False
70 The two partsof an e-mail address is separated by @ symbol
(A)True (B)False
71 "In SMTP,the message can be of any length"
(A)True (B)False
72 HTML files aretext files only
(A)True (B)False
73 In Web sitedesigning you should make the title catchy descriptive and accurate
(A)True (B)False
74 "Asmiley, is a sequence of ordinary printable characters, or a small image,intended to represent a human facial expression and convey an emotion." (A)True (B)False
75 You can drawobjects in a presentation by using the Design toolbar. (A)True (B)False
76 "Tocreate a new worksheet, select worksheet from the file menu."
(A)True (B)False
77 "In amulti-page document, the dotted line that extends on a page is called as softpage break."
(A)True (B)False
78 Numerals havethe same widths in a proportionally spaced font.
(A)True (B)False
79 You cannot usedifferent page-numbering styles in different section of your document
(A)True (B)False
80 "In Word,the ruler is displayed by default."
(A)True (B)False
81 Even and oddpages can have different footers in Word.
(A)True (B)False
82 Headers andfooters are displayed in the normal view in Word.
(A)True (B)False
83 The AutoFit tocontents enables Word to widen or narrow columns based on the contents youinsert in Insert Table.
(A)True (B)False
84 You can usethe AutoFormat command to analyse the formatting in the document andautomatically create styles for you.
(A)True (B)False
85 Page previewshows the page in WYSIWYG mode.
(A)True (B)False
86 Print Previewof Word does not allow you to do any editing.
(A)True (B)False
87 "To filla formula into a range, select the cell that contains the formula and then dragthe fill handle downward, upward, right or left as far as you need."
(A)True (B)False
88 "In Word,the easiest way to resize a picture is by dragging its edges to match the sizeand shape you want."
(A)True (B)False
89 A blog is awebsite where entries are made in journal style and displayed in a reversechronological order.
(A)True (B)False
90 Multiple nonadjacent ranges can be selected in Excel.
(A)True (B)False
91 Pressing[Home] moves the active cell to column A of the current row (A)True (B)False
92 Pressing[Shift]+[Spacebar] selects the entire column.
(A)True (B)False
93 You cannotmove or copy sheets from one workbook to another
(A)True (B)False
94 [Ctrl]+[End]moves the last cell containing contents in the worksheet in Excel.
(A)True (B)False
95 "When youcopy a formula in Excel, relative cell references do not change" (A)True (B)False
96 "InExcel, The delete and clear commands perform the same function." (A)True (B)False
97 Excel cannotinsert multiple rows in its sheet.
(A)True (B)False
98 You can add anew sheet to the workbook by using Worksheet command on the Insert menu. Thenew worksheet is inserted in front of the current sheet. (A)True (B)False
99 MicrosoftExcel ignores manual page breaks when you use the Fit to option of the PageSetup.
(A)True (B)False
100 Styles can beused to generate a table of contents quickly in Word. (A)True (B)False
1 | a | 21 | b | 41 | c | 61 | T | 81 | T |
2 | b | 22 | c | 42 | d | 62 | F | 82 | F |
3 | c | 23 | a | 43 | a | 63 | T | 83 | T |
4 | c | 24 | b | 44 | b | 64 | T | 84 | T |
5 | a | 25 | d | 45 | d | 65 | T | 85 | T |
6 | d | 26 | d | 46 | b | 66 | T | 86 | T |
7 | c | 27 | d | 47 | c | 67 | T | 87 | T |
8 | a | 28 | a | 48 | d | 68 | T | 88 | T |
9 | b | 29 | c | 49 | d | 69 | T | 89 | T |
10 | c | 30 | b | 50 | b | 70 | T | 90 | F |
11 | d | 31 | b | 51 | F | 71 | T | 91 | T |
12 | c | 32 | a | 52 | T | 72 | F | 92 | T |
13 | b | 33 | d | 53 | T | 73 | T | 93 | F |
14 | d | 34 | d | 54 | F | 74 | T | 94 | F |
15 | c | 35 | a | 55 | F | 75 | T | 95 | T |
16 |
| 36 | d | 56 | T | 76 | F | 96 | T |
17 | d | 37 | c | 57 | T | 77 | T | 97 | F |
18 | a | 38 | d | 58 | T | 78 | T | 98 | T |
19 | c | 39 | b | 59 | T | 79 | T | 99 | T |
20 | a | 40 | d | 60 | T | 80 | T | 100 | T |